Sh@ring College Life Experiences - PART III

Sh@ring College Life Experiences - PART III

👋🏻 Everyone,

In this blog, sharing the second year experiences of college life

  • We had decided to leave the hostel and then live in society ( due to proximity to the college). Therefore finally we moved to the flat, from the 3rd semester itself to the rest of college life.

So foremost the first-year students always have this question

Whether they should choose the hostel or live in the flats (i.e leave the hostel) ?

So again this question itself requires a lot of research and also our parents ( sometimes relatives) consents too, due to the environment or culture and other factors which directly depends on this decision.

Here I will try to explain all the factors that I have considered earlier before moving to the flat:

  • Roommates

  • Culture

  • Coordination

  • Interest

  • Behavior

  • Here a snapshot of our flatmates and we named this group “B@aps”

B: B@kul Gupt@

@: A…

A: A…

P: P…

S: S…

  • Now during 2nd Year of engineering, I get to know about the Linkedin platform from our mentors of college cloud computing team (i.e CCTIL { Centre For Cloud Computing Technology Innovation & Learning} )

  • As mentioned earlier in the previous post, I have no idea about what to do during my engineering life except the college syllabus.

Now, this is the first time, I have started exploring the various fields: competitive programming, hacking, etc.

Example: I have started asking for guidance from various people on the LinkedIn platform and other online mediums.

Just like this, there are a lot of examples, therefore I have learned a lot of things from the mentors available on various platforms such as Linkedin, Medium, Quora, etc.


  • Irrespective of the branch of engineering you are associated with, do try to involve yourself in learning the principles of any programming language and automate the various redundant tasks.
  • Start involving in competitive programming, and learn DSA { Data Structures & Algorithms} as soon as possible.
  • DSA plays a very important role in each phase of your career ( during internships, interviews, placements, etc)
  • Various competitive programming platforms that one can use for learning as well as for practice such as:

Spoj, CodeChef, Interviewbit, HackerRank, HackerEarth, CodeForces, LeetCode, GeeksForGeeks, etc.

  • Start doing one thing at a time, once you’re comfortable with the technologies ( or programming language). Then slowly start yourself involving in multitasking i.e following your passions as well as learning the things according to the current curriculum.
  • Additionally, a few images of my study table, that I have bought earlier during the second year of my college, which constantly help me to concentrate on one thing, irrespective of doing multiple tasks at one time, during my initial phase of learning.


  • Do try to do only one thing during the initial days. Because of the same mistake I have committed earlier, i.e involved myself in a lot of technologies (and then unable to give proper time to delve deeper in each technology).

Have a nice day !!!

Thanks for spending your precious time reading the post, but do me a favor if possible, if any of my connections do have any stories/experiences to share with their fellow, do share the experiences. It helps a lot for other members to avoid the mistakes that have been already committed by us.

Thanks & Regards

B@kul Gupt@